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2021-06-03 高中国际课程部



The semester is coming to an end but the activities of the International Department of high school have never stopped. All kinds of activities have enriched students' experiences, improved their self-reliance, cultivated their abilities, and provided help for their further studies.


At the end of May the English singing competition was held on an unprecedented scale in the school with nearly 20 programs presented. DR.Lin attended the event and participated in the whole process; The ninth grade students also joined the competition for the first time, and the number of the audience reached more than 300.


9H2   吴施泽

9R2   尤艺颖

9R3   赵彦博 黄飞

10H1  张嘉欣 曾开欣  郑好

10H2  吴悠

10R1  王玛格

10R2  李鑫宇 杨静怡

11H2  廖云鹏

11R2  张砚皓 陈悦凯 封雨顺 赵文萱 陈怡然


一等奖   10R1  王玛格

二等奖   11R2  张砚皓

三等奖   9R3   赵彦博

最佳服装   10H1   郑好

最佳台风   10H2    吴悠


The student union made a great contribution to the success of the English singing contest and has shown great action in their planning and organizing. The publicity and mobilization in the early stage, the audit and arrangement in the middle stage, and the rehearsal and performance in the later stage were all well organized and all the details were covered. Its expected that after this success, the student union will be more calm and confident to deal with the organization of future activities.

参与大赛的选手们是这次活动的主角。英语基础好的学生当仁不让,英语基础相对弱一点的学生也不甘落后。很多上课不敢发声的同学在接受了这次挑战后,课下花了大量的时间,找老师纠音,自己反复练习。正是选手们的不惧挑战,力争完美,才呈现出如此动人的舞台效果。最后,英语老师Camillo用一首《il mondo世界》送给全体同学,祝福这群充满青春活力的学生去拥抱属于他们的世界。 

The candidates in the competition played the main role of this activity. Candidates actively showed their willingness and effort no matter the level of their English foundations. Many candidates who did not dare to speak in class accepted the challenge and spent a lot of time after class correcting their voice and practicing repeatedly with the help of teachers. It is the players who were not afraid of challenges and strove for perfection that brought such a moving stage effect. Finally, Camillo, an English teacher, dedicated a song "Il Mondo World" to all the students. He wished these young and energetic students to embrace their own worlds.