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2014-03-14 点击数:



励倩宁,任教于上海外国语大学西外外国语学校。英国卡地夫大学教育学硕士。06年代表松江区参与上海市教研室组织的教学资源录像课摄制, 07、08年荣获松江区园丁奖。



本节课作为Module2 Unit4的第二课时,字词教学已经不是本课时的教学重点,作为整个单元承上启下的一节课,我把教学内容确定为通过各种活动如听读、模仿、运用等,帮助学生自然而然地加深对职业性质的理解,并且利用已学句型和表达方式在生活化的对话中表述自己是否选择某种职业的合理理由。



Lesson plan

School:          XiWai International School, SISU

Teacher:         Li Qianning

Material:        Oxford English 6A Module 2, Unit4, P 27 

Topic:           What would you like to be?

Period:           2nd, Period


Teaching aims:

  1. To enable students to use “would like to be” and “because” to express preferences and give reasons.
  2. To develop students’ ability of interaction by replying, asking questions, explaining and using sentence structures in a life circumstances.
  3. To help students establish correct understanding of characteristics of jobs by activities and understand all jobs are equally important. 

Language focus:

Would you like to be a/an ______? Why/why not? I’d like to be a/an ______ because I want to …

I wouldn’t like to be a/an _______ because I don’t like …

Teaching procedure:

Supplementary materials:

(1) Fifteen sets of job cards for match

(2) A VCR about “Yao Ming” 

(3) A recording of the modified dialogue on P27


Warming up

Review some learned job names and arouse students’ interest by watching a video..

Pre-task preparation

1. Recall some job names which have appeared in the video.  

2. Review the job names and the sentence structure “I’d like to be a/an ______”.

While-task process:

  1. Have a correct understanding of what each job is about by matching the job names and job descriptions and develop the ability of understanding some new words in a context.
  2. Speak out the job descriptions and get familiar with the job characteristics.
  3. Consolidate the understanding of the job characteristics and practice the job description with a dialogue pattern “What does a ______ do? A ______ (does)”, during which period the teacher is able to correct students’ pronunciation.
  4. Listen to the modified dialogue between Kobe and Yao Ming and answer the questions to get a general idea of the key sentence structure.
  5. Get more familiar with the whole dialogue pattern on Page 27 by reading the dialogue.
  6. Learn to use the key sentence structures to make a dialogue by Yao Ming’s dialogue with his daughter.

7.  Practise the key sentence structures by asking about their dream job in pairs.

Post-task activity:

  1. Make a longer dialogue with the patterns presented and learned in this class to look for right future staff for Xi Wai International School.
  2. A summary

Go over what has been taught in this class and tell students all jobs are equally important in life and encourage them to work hard toward their dream jobs.


  1. Read the dialogue on Page 27 and imitate the pronunciation after the tape.
  2. Write down your dream job in the future and why you would like to do it.