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2017-10-20 西外小初高双语










  培训形式主要以小组讨论和展示为主,教师阐述基本的原理,学员可以随时提问和交流,当然不同的学科也有差别,比如物理、化学还包括一些实验操作。以数学学科为例,本次培训主要讲述了近几年来教学大纲的变化和将来的发展趋势,考试该如何进行阅卷和批改,考试后的分析报告,通过培训如何来改进自己的教学方法等。印象最深的是关于Active learning的学习,学员们分成几个小组讨论并展示一种积极有效的教学模式和课例来让学生能够主动参与学习,提高教学效果。在这里可以学到很多以前自己未曾想到的方法。

  通过此次培训我也感受到了A-LEVEL课程对教师提出的更高的要求。以数学学科为例,分为Mathematics(基础数学)和Further Mathematics(高等数学),这两种数学都还分成Pure Math(纯数学), Statistics(统计学)和Mechanics(力学)三个部分。教师首先必须熟悉教材内容、教学大纲及考试要求,这里包括了国内大部分高中数学老师都不熟悉的高等数学、统计学和力学(物理的一个分支)。当然A-LEVEL课程对学生的学习要求也非常高,它的难度和要求都在AP考试之上,即便是西外的H班,真正有能力去攻克的学生人数也是非常有限的。通过本次培训我觉得在接下来的教学过程中我得先去钻研教材和试卷,这样才能在今后的教学中做好准备。


 外教 Michael T也写下了自己的感悟:

Michael TokarzEconomics Teacher, AP Coordinator


Four teachers attended a Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) Professional Development  in Xian on October 14th and 15th.  As a new Cambridge Education partner, we at Xiwai have added to our outstanding curriculum, and now mark a new stage in our studentsjourneys with internationally recognized excellence. These two days of training were a valuable experience for our teachers.  Here is a quick review from my perspective.

Arriving at the International Department of SSDFZ campus on Saturday morning, I was greeted by courteous, bright-eyed students who helped me find my way to the training session.  Every one of the well-mannered, well-spoken student volunteers was happily sacrificing their free time to be there to support the events success.  It was a strong start. I registered at the front desk, welcomed by school staff and Cambridge personnel.  Then it was on to get some tea and greet my trainer and 11 classmates.

When your examination training class is led by a highly experienced educator who is also the Head Examiner, you know you are in for an insight-filled class. These two days were chock full with knowledge that will be immediately applicable to all of my classes, not just the Cambridge ones.  We shared teaching strategies, activities, resources, and test strategies and tips. Many of these tips apply to many levels and types of Exams.  Some of these key tips are as follows.

Students do not read the questions carefully.  This proved to be common among all teachers in this class.  By failing to read questions carefully students are leaving points on the table.  Studentsbe sure to read the questions carefully and understand what the question is asking you to do.  Questions have hints embedded.  By closely reading and fully understanding the question (and the type of response it asks for) and you will be led to more points. This is the number one tip!

Students can use local examples in their written responses.  Since Cambridge Examinations are offered in 104 countries, Examiners expect to see student responses reflect local conditions.  A student in China need not study up on Economic conditions in London to receive full marks. Also, students need not worry that Examiners have no knowledge of their local conditions.  The Internet is a fantastic tool for research for both students and Examiners

The Economics exam is not an English test. Spelling and grammar do not affect marks. As long as the responses are legible, Examiners will mark based on content. Students should be mindful to make their work readable by dividing their work into clear paragraphs. The people who mark exam papers are humans, too.  Making their job easier by making your paper easier to read will help earn the benefit of the doubt when it comes to marks.  For example, if an examiner is not sure whether a response should earn 7 or 8 points, clearly legible handwriting and paragraphs will help you earn 8 points.

In closing, even though this training was for oriented for A levels, there are valuable lessons which are applicable to multiple levels of Cambridge Exams.  I look forward to sharing this knowledge with the rest of my Xiwai colleagues so that all our students in Cambridge classes can reap the benefits.










