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寻文脉,品艺韵— —双语部2019徽州研学

2019-10-21 陈舒元





A person to go abroad before, should be more understanding of the motherland.


Life is a journey, and travel; Is waiting for, is also the reunion; Is the adventure and treasure; Is the tears and singing.




西外师生怀着激动的心情前往虹桥高铁站, 大家对这个心目中仰慕已久的城市充满了期盼,学生们在高铁上研读研学手册,领取任务卡,等待辅导员老师带我们去寻找解开徽州秘密的钥匙。

The word "Huizhou" has a powerful resonance in Chinese, and the region is renowned for its ancient scenery. Hidden in the afforested mountains among verdant trees, there are historic buildings, lakes, hills, valleys, basins and plains around Huizhou, which together compose a beautiful picture. Many eminent men of letters have been attracted by Huizhous great natural beauty. To experience its history, beauty, and culture, our students recently embarked upon a field trip to Huizhou.


Full of expectations, the students of the Bilingual Middle School studied their academic guide books on the high-speed rail, received task cards, and started recording their preliminary impressions. Students and teachers were all fascinated and excited,looking forward to discovering the pleasure of experiencing the Hui culture for the first time. They explored the original, historical meaning of Huizhou. They walked into the ancient city of Bagua, where they examined firsthand the reasons why the Luo clan modeled the rituals of the Qufu Confucius Temple. They visited unique Huizhou-style folk dwellings and took in ancient archway groups and the majestic ancient temples, where they felt the glory of the ancient Huizhou culture.

In addition, teachers and students learned how to cook the traditional cuisine of Huizhou, visited the ancient city, and paid their respects to the educationalist Tao Xingzhi. From the aspects of ancient construction, politics, economy, culture, art and water conservancy, students fully explored the origin and development of Huizhou culture. They visited the She County craft factory, where they participated in the production of ink paintings, and the China She County inkstone museum, where they carved their own inkstones. They learned to sing Huangmei opera, experienced the aesthetic significance of landscape design, and created micro-landscapes in groups with teachers.

The trip gave our students invaluable insights into the rich and profound culture of China. The knowledge they have gained and the friendships they have formed during this field trip have broadened their minds and helped pave the way for their future study and growth.

1 了解徽派建筑


徽州二字,读起来音韵悠长,正和古徽州安适恬然的风物相和,又有美好之寓意,确实是一个音意俱佳的好名字。西外师生走入八卦古城, 在一步一景的徽州,与美景撞了个满怀。他们在辅导员的带领下挖掘呈坎厚重的课程资源,探究罗氏族人仿照曲阜孔庙祭祀礼仪的原因。

2 做客地道农家,体验徽州礼仪



那造型别致的徽派古民居、鳞次栉比的古牌坊群和威严的古祠堂,无声地诉说着古老徽州文化辉煌的昨天。西外师生在这里学做徽派农家饭菜 ,感悟传统礼仪徽州,在讲究传统礼仪之道的徽州农村,研学接人待物之道,并亲自书写了春联赠予农家,享用自己动手做的饭菜是多美妙的一件事啊!

3 参观徽州古城,拜谒陶行知

在山水氤氲的人间仙境,千年古建群雕刻出小镇岁月,多少的故事在这里发生。西外师生在这里阅读徽州古城,了解历史沿革。研学徽州府衙、徽州古城墙、徽园、许国牌坊、陶行知纪念馆、渔梁坝等,从古建、政治、经济、文化、艺术、水利等方面,全面探究徽州文化发展渊源。接着又游览了渔梁古坝 ,探访徽商源头。参观学习了徽州古代著名水利工程一[渔梁坝] ,这里,是徽商过去重要的物资集散地,历史上商贸活动发达.

4 体验文房四宝,传承工匠精神




5 学唱黄梅经典

6 徽派园林营造


7 尾声















